Christoph Cantzler and me work together for almost a long time.
Our Cooperation did not start with a game, but with a project about games. We both were active inside the German Game Designers Association: Christoph had the idea for a media prize ALEX, and I joined the team. Together, we we took care for this project for some years.
In 2006, our first games were published by HABA. Four card games for children: Ponyturnier, Prinzessin Rommi, Käptn Goldzahn, König Kobra (Pony Competition, Princess Rommi, Cäpt'n Gold Tooth, King Cobra).
And because we complete each other, every year, there are new jointly projects.
Among them, published by:
Ravensburger (Dragi Drache/Dragi Dragon, Hase, Hüpf, Fädelmaus),
Schmidt Spiele (Was macht die Maus?),
Selecta (Wo sind meine Schuhe/Where are my shoes?, Infinello).
We like to try out new stuff, so we did Chinese Puzzles for Moses: up & down and offline.
And the Geisteruhr, published in 2017 by Noris.

Bruno Faidutti: Actually, I met him because of a confusion – he thought, Klaus-Jürgen Wrede, who designed Carcassonne*, is my husband … and invited both of us to his gathering of friends in France. Klaus-Jürgen did not go – I did. Till now, I took part a several times. And so it is a nearly normal result, that we started working together on games.
Fearz (2016, Volumiques/Don't Panic Games) was the first one to be published.
* NO, Klaus-Jürgen Wrede is neither my brother nor my husband or my Pseudonym. We know each other - and both of us are mooted on the same name.

Barbara Wrede is my sister. Sie is an artist and a writer, based in Berlin. A view into her work, you might get here:
olompia.de and here, in her blog (both in german language). The first published Wredesister's cooperation is a children's game about art, published by Prestel: Prestels kleiner Kunstkauz.

From 2009 to 2020, I was the owner of the small publisher Edition Siebenschläfer.
I published games and stationers.
When I needed help with preparing the printing run, Christof Tisch was there to do all what is to be done.
The fotos were taken by Andreas Klein and Jan Blachura.
Great help concerning distribution I got from the cooperative Spiel direkt!
Because I published these games only in German, there are some licensed, foreign versions.
For Example:
Karla Kuchenfee changed
... to Moo's Code, published by the publisher Jolly Thinkers
... to Krówka w Kuchni, published by the polish publisher Nasza Księgarnia.
Some of the rights are still available: Just ask me!