(Deutsche Version siehe weiter unten)

ANIMOTS by Bruno Faidutti and me is published by SPACE COW in France.
In 2024, there is a French and an English edition (ANIMAL WORDS).
ANIMOTS is a cooperative tactile game.
The game involves touching letters in a very special cloth bag.


However, this cloth bag has not just one, but SIX openings.
And all the players feel around in the bag at the same time.
Each person has their own task and has to find all the letters of an animal name.
Everyone plays together ... and not all the animal names will be complete when the time is up.
The more animal names are guessed from the animal names already placed, the better the result for the group.

As you might recognize, the game is fun for adult people as well.
The picures shows two versions:
One Group play the prototype, some years ago at Brunos Faiduttis gathering in France.
The other one the printed game … 2024 (at Brunos gathering as well.


  • French or English animals names are playable: There are cards in these both languages inside the game. So nice!
  • SPACE COW made a special service: Everyone might design and download new cards.


Insides about this game

Bruno and me designed some games together som years ago.
ANIMOTS  is the 4th game.
What Bruno writes about the game, you might read here.
ANIMOTS is one of the games, that took a long way to be published.

  • A long time concerning the time to work on it and to find a publisher.
  • A lot of version concerning the changes inside the game and the target group.

Just take your fingers to look for the items ... not your eyes!

We did not work out a cooperative game ... but we like it.
Looking to the learning content and the target group, this change makes sense.

Our Prototype

  • You had to find an animal and the matching food.
  • Designing the items, I took care to build tactile differences.
  • I knew: the animals would never be produced with this kind of eyes ... but I wanted to design the proto this way.
    The way the items look this decision is mostly take by the publisher.
    Except: All parts HAVE TO BE exactly this way. So Christoph Cantzler and me did concerning the series UP&DOWN (MOSES)
  • I sewd the bag, we tested different versions, regarding the playability and the expected price.

The items - first of all the bag - is complicated ... and so it took a while to find a publisher.

Then we had a commitment
... signed the contract in 2019
... and covid 19 came along.

Well, it was obvious: ,this game could not be published as planed.

But: Now ANIMOTS is published, HURRAY!


Publisher: SPACE COW
A cooperative tactile game designed by Anja Wrede & Bruno Faidutti
2-6 Persons 6+
Grafics: Weberson Santiago

Press & more

SPACE COW, the publsher shows the game

A french review: plateaumarmots.fr

"Aujourd'hui on vous parle d'Animots, qui n'est pas juste un jeu de lettres, mais juste le MEILLEUR jeu de lettres. Reconnaissance tactile, orthographe, analyse du mot, le tout en coop' et avec un max de fun ? Animots doit se trouver illico un chemin dans toutes les salles de classes, mais surtout sur votre table de jeu !"

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